Keyword Rank Checker

Keyword Rank Checker

Check the search volume and ranking difficulty of your targeted keyword

The Keyword Rank Checker determines where your website ranks in the search engine results page (SERPs) of Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. To use the Keyword Rank Checker, type your website URL (for example, in the first box, then type a keyword or keyphrase (for example, fake pagerank checker) in the second box, and then click Add. A table appears and lists the position of your website for the keyword that you specified.

To check another website URL or keyword, simply update the URL or keyword that you typed in the boxes, and then click Add again.

When you finish checking all the keywords, do one of the following:

  • Click Clear to delete the website URL and keywords that you checked. Alternatively, press <F5> on your keyboard.
  • Click Export to CSV to export the table that contains all of the keyword rank checks that you performed to a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Your web browser downloads the file to your computer’s default download location. Use Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet application to open the CSV file.